Piśmiennictwo do artykułu prof. Jamesa Wollfsohna „Potrzeba ochrony oczu przed promieniowaniem UV” z numeru 3/2014

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Piśmiennictwo do artykułu prof. Jamesa Wollfsohna „Potrzeba ochrony oczu przed promieniowaniem UV” z numeru 3/2014

1. Cullen AP. Ozone Depletion and Solar Ultraviolet Radiation: Ocular effects, a United Nations environment programme perspective. Eye & Contact Lens 2011;37: 185–190.
2. Norval M, Lucas R, Cullen AP, et al. The human health effects of ozone depletion and interactions with climate change. Photochem Photobiol Sci 2011;10:199–225.
3. Reiter RJ, Tan DX, Fuentes-Broto L. Melatonin: A multitasking molecule. Prog Brain Res 2010;181:127–151.
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5. Cancer Council Australia. Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek, and Slide. Available at: http://www.cancer.org.au/cancersmartlifestyle/SunSmart/Campaignsandevents/SlipSlopSlapSeekSlide.htm. Accessed March 4, 2012.
6. Lucas RM, McMichael A, Smith W, et al. Solar Ultraviolet Radiation. Global Burden of Disease from Solar Ultraviolet Radiation. Geneva, Switzerland, World Health Organization, 2006.
7. Lucas RM. An epidemiological perspective of ultrafiolet exposure – public health concerns. Eye & Contact Lens 2011;37: 168–175.
8. West SK, Munoz B, Istre J, et al. Mixed lens opacities and subsequent mortality. Arch Ophthalmol 2000;118:393–397.
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10. Tuchinda C, Srivannaboon S, Lim HW. Photoprotection by window glass, automobile glass, and sunglasses. J Am Acad Dermatol 2006;54:845–854.

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16. Sasaki H, Sakamoto Y, Schnider C, Fujita N, Hatsusaka N, Sliney DH, Sasaki K. UV-B Exposure to the Eye Depending on Solar Altitude. Eye & Contact Lens 2011;37: 191–195.
17. Glickman RD. Phototoxicity to the retina: Mechanisms of damage. Int J Toxicol 2002;21:473–490.
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19. Podskochy A. Protective role of corneal epithelium against ultraviolet radiation damage. Acta Ophthalmol Scand 2004;82:714–717.
20. Abraham AG, Cox C, West S. The differential effect of ultraviolet light exposure on cataract rate across regions of the lens. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2010;51:3919–3923.
21. Coroneo MT, Muller-Stolzenburg NW, Ho A. Peripheral light focusing by the anterior eye and the ophthalmohelioses. Ophthalmic Surg 1991;22:705–711.
22. Kwok LS, Daszynski DC, Kuznetsov VA, et al. Peripheral light focusing as a potential mechanism for phakic dysphotopsia and lens phototoxicity. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 2004;24:119–129.
23. Roberts JE. Ultraviolet radiation as a risk factor for cataract and macular degeneration. Eye & Contact Lens 2011;37: 246–249.
24. Varma SD, Kovtun S, Hegde KR. Role of ultraviolet irradiation and oxidative stress in cataract formation – medical prevention by nutritional antioxidants and metabolic agonists. Eye & Contact Lens 2011;37:233–245.
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27. Glickman RD. Ultraviolet phototoxicity to the retina. Eye & Contact Lens 2011;37: 196–205.
28. Hu DN, Simon JD, Sarna T. Role of ocular melanin in ophthalmic physiology and pathology. Photochem Photobiol 2008;84:639–644.
29. Roberts JE. Ocular phototoxicity. J Photochem Photobiol B Biol 2001;64: 136–143.
30. Taylor HR, West S, Munoz B, et al. The long-term effects of visible light on the eye. Arch Ophthal 1992;110:99–104.
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32. Davies S, Elliott MH, Floor E, et al. Photocytotoxicity of lipofuscin in human retinal pigment epithelial cells. Free Radic Biol Med 2001;31:256–265.
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34. Bernstein PS, Zhao DY, Wintch SW, et al. Resonance Ramanmeasurement of macular carotenoids in normal subjects and in age-related macular degeneration patients. Ophthalmalogy 2002;109:1780–1787.
35. Chalam KV, Khetpal V, Rusovici R, Balaiya S. A review: role of ultraviolet radiation in age-related macular degeneration. Eye & Contact Lens 2011;37:225–232.
36. Cruichshanks KJ, Klein R, Klein BE, et al. Sunlight and the 5-year incidence of early age-related maculopathy: The Beaver Dam eye study. Arch Ophthalmol 2001;119:246–250.
37. Taylor HR, Munoz B, West S, et al. Visible light and risk of age-related macular degeneration. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1990;88:163–173.
38. Taylor HR, West S, Munoz B, et al. The long-term effects of visible light on the eye. Arch Ophthalmol 1992;110:99–104.
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40. Wang JJ, Foran S, Mitchell P. Age-specific prevalence and causes of bilateral and unilateral visual impairment in older Australians: The Blue Mountains Eye study. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2000;28:268–273.
41. Klein R, Klein BE, Knudtson MD, et al. Fifteen-year cumulative incidence of age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmology 2007;114:253–262.
42. Mukesh BN, Dimitrov PN, Leikin S, et al. Five year incidence of age-related maculopathy: Visual impairment project. Ophthalmology 2004;111:1176–1182.
43. Wolffsohn J, Eperjesi F, Bartlett H et al. Does Blocking Ultra-Violet Light with Contact Lenses Benefit Eye Health? BCLA Conference, Paper presentation 2012
44. Chandler H. Ultraviolet absorption by contact lenses and the significance on the ocular anterior segment. Eye & Contact Lens 2011;37: 259–266.
45. Sliney DH. Intraocular and crystalline lens protection from ultraviolet damage. Eye & Contact Lens 2011;37:250–258.
46. Walsh JE, Bergmanson JPG. Does the eye benefit from wearing ultraviolet-blocing contact lenses? Eye & Contact Lens 2011;37:267–272.
47. Rosenthal FS, Bakalian AE, Taylor HR. The effect of prescription eyewear on ocular exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Am J Pub Health 1986;76:1216–1220.
48. Sasaki K, Sasaki H, Kojima M, et al. Epidemiological studiem on UV-related cataract in climatically different countries. J Epidemiol 1999;9(Suppl 6): S33–S38.
49. Sasaki H, Kawakami Y, Ono M, et al. Localization of cortical cataract in subjects of diverse races and latitude. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Res 2003;44: 4210–4214.
50. Hedblom EE. Snowscape eye protection. Arch Environ Health 1961;2:685–704.
51. Sliney DH. Bright light, ultraviolet radiation and sunglasses. Dispens Opt 1975;36:7–15.
52. Sliney DH. Eye protective techniques for bright light. Ophthalmology 1983;90:937–944.
53. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). American National Standard for Nonprescription Sunglasses and Fashion Eyewear – Requirements. New York, NY, ANSI, Standard Z80.3,2008.
54. British Standards Institution (BSI). Personal Eye Protection – Sunglasses and Sunglare Filters for General Use and Filters for Direct Observation of the Sun. Chiswick, United Kingdom, BSI. BS EN-1836, 2005.
55. Moore L, Ferreira JT. Ultraviolet (UV) transmittance characteristics of daily disposable and silicone hydrogel contact lenses. Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2006;29:115–122.
56. Andley UP, Malome JP, Townsend RR. Inhibition of Lens photodamage by UV-absorbing contact lenses. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011;52:8330–8341.
57. Giblin FJ, Lin L-R, Leverenz VR, Dang L. A class I (Senofilcon A) soft contact lens presents UVB-induced ocular effects, including cataract, in the rabbit in vivo. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011;52:3667–3775.